Thursday, April 24, 2014

Gn. Tangkuban Parahu 2084 mdpl (23 April 2014)

Taman Wisata Alam Gn. Tangkuban Perahu Subang-Jawa Barat
Mt. Tangkuban parahu (2084 mdpl) is one of tourism places in Bandung West Java. It's located in Subang, 25 km to the south of Bandung. The shape of this mountain is so unique (more like an upside down boat/cano), the local call it "tangkuban parahu" because of that shape.

The Legend of Tangkuban Parahu
Well, Tangkuban parahu's name referring to a story tell "dayang sumbi". dayang sumbi , a beautiful lady married a dog "tumang"and had a handsome, strong boy "sangkuriang. One day sangkuriang went for hunting with his father "tumang", but because of an accident, sangkuriang shot tumang with an arrow, and died.
Sangkuriang took his dead father. Knowing tumang was killed by sangkuriang, dayang sumbi cast away her only son.

After many years sangkuriang came back and met dayang sumbi. He felt in love to her and wanted to marry Dayang Sumbi but Dayang Sumbi recognized the birth mark and the sign on sangkuriang's head when she hit him before casting him away. Dayang Sumbi then try to prevent the marriage by asking sangkuriang to build a very big boat in a night. if he failed, then there would be no marriage. Sangkuriang agree with the condition, he call many spirits to help him with the boat. 

It's almost done by dawn. However, Dayang Sumbi didn't want to marry his son so she asked her maid to make the chicken on the farm crow. Hearing the chicken's crow, Sangkuriang desperate and kicked the boat till it upraise and crushed down the earth and becoming upside down. This ark then become the mount of "Tangkuban Parahu"

The Sign

many access to get to kawah upas
Not all crater was open for public when i and my friend (Tatank) come. there's "no pass trespassing" sign in some gate, you can see it in one of my pictures above. But because we wanted to see the beauty of ratu's crater from nearby so we climb the gate (Don't try this, it's not good).

The Trees and Branch 
Dead trees around the crater is so many, it's normal because the heat is so high.

Tatank on Action
This is my companion (Tatank), he travel with many times. He said to me that this place "kawah ratu" remind him of something, but I think it's not something but more about someone (No offense dude).
well, what past is past and life is moving forward, you may miss the last one, but make sure you aim a better target next time. :D

The silhouette
I always love the silhouette, no matter where i go, i always try to take a silhouette. i don't know why, but it seems so beautiful to me (Personal oppinion :D)

The beauty of Gn. Tangkuban Perahu 
There are 3 craters in "Tangkuban Parahu". upas crater, domas crater, ratu crater. The biggest one is kawah ratu. You can also visit a sacred water call kahuripan in "Tangkuban Parahu".
All of crater picture above is ratu crater. :D

Hope you enjoy the story and the pictures.
Keep shooting and keep blogging. :)