Sunday, October 12, 2014

Curug Malela, More than just curug

Monday 6 October 2014, I, Egie"abah", Ivan"Penbul", Tatang and Nia decided not to work. we wanted to go to curug Malela, Abah and penbul had tried coming here twice, but they just couldn't get to the spot. this time almost become their third times fail. bcoz at 3 o'clock, Nia's motorbike went crash. and it needed more than 2 hours to fix it.
bcoz i and tatang didn't want to get back without reaching "curug malela", finally we decided to "bonceng tiga". though people said that the way to get there is so bad, many stories that they hadn't arrived to curug malela yet but their motorbike went down.
But  thanks God, we got this Vega-R. (hahaha)
The Vega took us there safely, though we always scream along the way. :D
This is the place to park your motorbike, there's also food stall. you can buy water or meal here..
you can also stay here at night, they'll provide you with food but off course you have to pay. :D 
This is the sign that we were already in curug malela.
It needs approximately 20 minutes to get to the waterfall
(Left photo is the track, not all part of the tracks is like that, just a half maybe. and the rest is just the soil)
(Right photo is curug malela from above, hmm it's so beautifull)

As usual, i can only have my right hand. :D
I present you, "CURUG MALELA"
Curug malela is so great.. hope it will last. Aamiin

Left photo : The view in front of curug malela..
Right Photo : one of our friends had graduated, this is a late gift to her "a happy graduation" to @Andinata_03

The Crew
I had my hand join them cooking (preparing for our meal)
Egi "Abah" also posing in front of curug malela, but this time with flag.
It showed his nationality
Next time he will invite his family here (when the road is good) :D
Everything looks ready, it's time to eat then.. :) 
Tatang, the most energic person.. he was like a man with many source of power..
like he has a power bank for his body. :D
Full team, without me off course. they were preparing for the meal. bcoz i was busy taking the photo, so i didn't help them..
Sorry guys

They're preparing the food.. meat, noodle, another meat and more meat. :D

Nia posing in front of curug malela

Ivan "penbul", the owner of many of my travel is with him..

Keep Traveling, Keep Shooting, Keep Blogging.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Explore Garut (Curug Orok)

In sunda, Curug means "waterfall". This waterfall's called "curug orok", located on garut.
this waterfall is used for youth to enjoy the view, get lost from the town, and some of them use it to take some photos.
There are three main sources for the water, consist of one big and high curug, and two others are just the small one as you can see in the right picture. 

you can swim, bath or maybe just wanna play some water here, nut make sure when you swim or bath, do not use soap.
It will contaminate the water, we have to keep it clean, fresh and healthy.

I ever read some quotes about water.. 
"Tinggalkan mata air untuk keturunan kita, jangan tinggalkan air mata karena mata air telah habis"

Keep Travelling, Keep shooting, and Keep Blogging

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Suara [Wakil] rakyat

People don't know their true power (Sumber: internet)
Kalian kecil makan tak dapt
Kalian kecil rumah tak dapat
Kalian kecil bersuara pun dihemat

Hanya miliki [WAKIL] rakyat
Hanya bisa melihat [WAKIL] rakyat
Hanya bisa terdiam dibohongi [WAKIL] rakyat

[WAKIL] rakyat
Mempertontonkan usaha cari hormat
Mempertontonkan rapat penuh urat
Mempertontonkan ambisi teramat sangat

[WAKIL] rakyat
[WAKIL] yang semestinya pro rakyat
[WAKIL] yang semestinya merakyat
[WAKIL] yang semestinya terhormat

Hai [WAKIL] rakyat
Kalian seharusnya erat
Kalian seharusnya tak terjerat
kalian seharusnya saling kuat
Kalian seharusnya tak lumat oleh emas berbalut karat

Hai [WAKIL] rakyat
Kami rakyat tidak minta dana cepat
Kami rakyat tidak minta jas hitam pekat
Kami rakyat tidak minta istana dengan emas terlekat

Kami rakyat hanya minta sehat
Kami rakyat hanya minta kalian [WAKIL] rakyat tidak tersesat
Kami rakyat hanya minta kalian [WAKIL] rakyat terhormat tidak menjual suara kami demi kuasa sesaat

Kami rakyat MEMINTA,

atau kalian, TAMAT!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The last nigh of 2013

[Very] Late post
At first, we want to spend new year eve seeing fireworks. well, we got the fireworks but not in a photo. So we just spent the night laughing, chit-chat and more laughing. :D

I can get anything at night, coz, i forgot to bring my flash.
This is the best photo i took at night, most of them was too dark or blurry. :p

It was breakfast time, though the food didn't look great, (hehe) but the taste is freaking delicious.. (forgive me God not to say the truth) :D
I told them to show me their best faces, and this is what i got.
i wan't expect this (if you know what i meant). :D

look at their faces, they enjoy spending a day outside.
well, we have to spend more days then.
Maybe she looked for food, she just couldn't find any. coz i hide them. :D
I wanted to capture her "just woke up face"  candid. but she realized it. damn.. 
The boys vs the girls. fair enough,
boys will always be boys.
It was 9 am, and we had to get back to the city..
some was packing, and the others were just seeing (the had packed before) :) 
OK, let's take our full team picture.. 1, 2 and..
finally i have my self (the man with hat and glasses) on the photo. :D
Keep Travelling, Keep Shooting and Keep blogging