Thursday, January 29, 2015

Random places of Bandung #4

Tea garden at lembang, So green, so cold and so refreshing..
Get yourself a jacket and a hot coffee.. :)
City light from cipadung.
There are many places with this view in "Dago Atas", even saveral cafes sell this kind of view Punclut, cafes at "Dago Giri"
City view from Twin tower of Masjid Raya Bandung
in the 19 th floor, Bandung look so beautiful. :)
Not stonehenge, this is Stone Garden. :D
Located in padalarang, not too far from the main road. 
Fireworks, Most of every big even livened up with fireworks
This was taken in 204 th Bandung's birthday at "Lapangan Gasibu"

Sunset from Antapani (Borma 3rd floor)
The yellow line is so beatiful, really spoil every eye
Keep Shooting, Keep Blogging

Sunday, January 25, 2015


There are two tower in "MASJID RAYA BANDUNG" that can provide us Bandung view' Those tower are opened everyday for public, yet in weekdays for group and personal at week end. With only 3000 IDR for adults, 2000 IDR for kids and 5000 IDR for foreigners you can get to the top by using Lift. of course with that cheap price, many people want to get the view so a long queue is unavoidable.. Be patient.. :)

Up there you will get a window. Be wise choosing the windows.. hehe

A family is enjoying Bandung from the top of Masjid Raya "Twin Tower"
Window is the only thing between your eyes and your view

Choose your window, and enjoy your Bandung view
This window is ours, it's us.. just you and me. :D
(The couple)
Yess, Finally, a window for my self
Keep Shooting, Keep Blogging

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Confident.. "You can beat her" said the cameraman
Taken in "Pasar Seni ITB 2014"

Bored.. Gotta stay sitting for the next 3 hours.. :D
Taken in "Pasar Seni ITB 2014"

Amazed.. Enjoying time of  silence while appreciate the view
Taken in "Stone Garden" 

Left Photo: Glad.. After taking a week test of survival in a jungle (Taken in "Kiara Payung)
Right Photo: Performing.. Entertaining people from main stage (Taken in "Bandung's Birthday")

Happy.. Enjoying hot spring in the middle of the night
Photo taken in "Gracia Hot spring Resort and Spa"
Effort.. Dealing with heavy weight every day to survive
Taken in "Buper Batukuda" 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Random Places of Bandung #3

Left photo wasn't taken by the right photo
Off course everybody knows that.. :D
Left photo was taken in "lawang wangi art and museum" while the right photo was taken in "Gasibu when Persib celebrate their winning:"

An allien is coming to the house
thanks God it's just a replica. Taken in "Lawang wangi art and museum"
Our janitor (the hero of hygiene) is claning trash after "Persib's winning celebration"

Typically western faces.. 
Ternate and Timor Leste

Waiting for buyers..
"quality is his tradition" :D
Somewhere in bandung probably at 10 pm..
Bandung's view from Dago (The unfinished house)
this is what the occupant will have if the house done built
Admiring art is part of life..
Taken in "Lawang wangi Art and museum"
I'll eat that sun, but i have to wait several hours to reach my mouth.. :D
Taken i Papanggungan, Foothills of Manglayang

Keep Shooting, Keep Blogging

Monday, January 5, 2015

Random places of Bandung #2

A girl was sitting on the chair enjoying music in her own silence though the music was so loud..
A moment of silence.. :)
It was taken in "Taman jomblo" when music concert was held, forgot the date
You won't get anyhing if you're late..
Taken in afternoon at Bagusrangin street
Let's put some mark on the wall
Taken in "Taman Photography" when ngaleut with @Komunitasaleut
Nice scooter sir.. it's so antique..
Taken in Tjihapit street
Waiting to break fasting (Ngabuburit) while watching motorbike attraction
Taken in Monumen perjuangan "MONJU" Bandung
Pedicab can do the trick to.. and kids like it.. :D
Taken in sunday afternoon at Monumen Perjuangan "MONJU" Bandung..
Beautiful sunset in sunday afternoon
Taken in Monumen Perjuangan "MONJU" Bandung
Keep Shooting, Keep Blogging

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sajak Akhir [Awal] Tahun dari Papanggungan

Jarum jarum jam diposisi yg sama, 
kembang api terbang bersautan, 
sebagian menyalakan lilin, 
Ikut bersedih dengan tragedi QZ8501

Seketika garis finis terlewat, 
tersadar bahwa bukan itu, 
jauh, masih jauh mungkin

Tenaga masih sangat besar kurasa, 
udara masih sangat tenang kuhirup, 
semangat pun masih sangat tinggi kupunya

Ada yang bilang bertambah, 
sebagian bilang berkurang, 
bagiku hanya masalah sudut pandang, 
toh mereka hanya bilang

Apa yang kita rencanakan? 
Apakah selalu dibatasi oleh waktu 1 tahun? 
Atau memang itu batasnya? 
Selalu harus baru diawal tahun? 
Mungkin tidak, tpi seperti itulah stigmanya..

Bencana diakhir tidak berarti malapetaka dibabak selanjutnya
dan bukan pula awal yang bagus. 
Awal ini hanyalah sebuah koma, 
kalimat berikut ditentukan oleh pena yang kita pegang, 
jejak yang akan kita tinggalkan 
dan arah yang kita tuju.

Selamat kawan, 
silahkan istirahat sejenak, 
isi bahan bakar, 
lalu kembali bergerak MAJU..