Sunday, January 25, 2015


There are two tower in "MASJID RAYA BANDUNG" that can provide us Bandung view' Those tower are opened everyday for public, yet in weekdays for group and personal at week end. With only 3000 IDR for adults, 2000 IDR for kids and 5000 IDR for foreigners you can get to the top by using Lift. of course with that cheap price, many people want to get the view so a long queue is unavoidable.. Be patient.. :)

Up there you will get a window. Be wise choosing the windows.. hehe

A family is enjoying Bandung from the top of Masjid Raya "Twin Tower"
Window is the only thing between your eyes and your view

Choose your window, and enjoy your Bandung view
This window is ours, it's us.. just you and me. :D
(The couple)
Yess, Finally, a window for my self
Keep Shooting, Keep Blogging