Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life is not a choice but a decision

Many people say, life is a choice. U choose what u want to be, do, say, think, eat, breathe or whatever...
But i'm sorry, it's not like that.
Besides, if life's a choice then everything is only choosing.

To choose something, the choices must be provided.
How if there's no choices or only one choice provided???
Sorry to say, but it's not a choice if there's only one.. To call it a choice, at least there are two...

Get back to the topic. Sometimes, life doesn't give us choices to choose.. We just have to obey it. And if it didn't work well, u'll blame life and end up saying ' LIFE, WHY U GAVE ME A BAD CHOICE?...
I don't want u to blame life, it's a gift from GOD. U blame life means u blame GOD.

To avoid it happen, u have to change ur way of thinking... Life is not a choice but a decision, and u have to take the responsibility by urself not anybody else or even GOD, coz u decide ur own life. GOD just gives u the way whether u decide to follow it or make ur own..

Even there's a choice but u decide not to choose then it's not a choice.
So, from now on, let's say 'life is a decision...'

"If you don't like your life, Start making better decision"